Choose your plan
Unlimited courses. Cancel anytime.
Take any number of courses
Online courses never expire
Learn at your own pace
No annual contracts
Pay month-to-month
Cancel anytime
$54/every 3 months
Unlimited courses. Cancel anytime.
Take any number of courses
Online courses never expire
Learn at your own pace
No annual contracts
Pay every 3 months
Save more with 10% off
$192/every 12 months
Unlimited courses. Cancel anytime.
Take any number of courses
Online courses never expire
Learn at your own pace
No annual contracts
Pay once per year
Save more with 20% off
Be recognized & rewarded
Course completion certificate
Earn a certificate that you can proudly show off on your resume, website, and social profiles when you complete our advanced courses and certificate programs
Badges, seals, and awards
Reach new milestones and unlock badges, seals, and awards to enhance your career progression and elevate your software and app knowledge.
Discounts, perks, and rewards
Get exclusive access to discounts, perks, and rewards that are tailored just for you, simply for being a valued member of our learning community.
Loyalty and learning gifts
Let us show our appreciation for your loyalty and continuous learning by rewarding you with gifts and other surprises, just as our way of saying thanks.
What our learners say
I'm a little technology averse, and not really that savvy when it comes to software. However, Ursaware made it easy to learn and make better use of my mobile apps and business tools.
Michael Anderson
I was struggling to advance in my career because I didn't have the best software experience. So I decided to try Ursaware courses, and glad I did because it helped me get my job promotion.
Sarah Vargas
Frequently asked questions
What apps or software can I learn?
We are always adding new courses to our website. For a list of the latest classes that we offer, please see our Courses page. Don't see the course you're looking for? Ask us to create a course.
Can I access my courses on any device?
Absolutely! Our online classes are mobile friendly, so you can take your courses with you on the go.
How do I cancel or change my plan?
You can log into your account, then click on "My Account" in the top navigation menu to manage your billing, payments, courses, and subscriptions. For help with changing your plan, cancellations, and refunds, please message us.
What if I need to cancel a quarterly or yearly plan early?
If you need to cancel your quarterly or annual plan early, please contact support for assistance and any refunds. If applicable, we will prorate you for the difference in unused time remaining on your plan.
Are we allowed to share logins?
Our Learning Management System (LMS) personalizes the course content, quizzes, badges, awards, certificates, and learning experience according to each individual learner. For this reason, we strongly discourage the sharing of logins as it hinders our ability to cater to each individual learner, ultimately compromising the quality of their education experience.
However if you are a company who is interested in courses for multiple learners, please contact us, and we would be happy to discuss a group or business plan.